The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life: What 35 Years of Running Have Taught Me About Winning, Losing, Happiness, Humility, and the Human Heart (Daybreak Books) Review
Amby tells the story of what is inside of most runners who have been on the trail/road for at least a decade. I loved the concept that we first run fast, then far then learn to accept ourselves and our limitations, and at last, we can appreciate the true joy and meaning of running.
I'm in the middle of the stage of my running career where I'm at terms with not being fast any longer and now trying to push the limits of running far. Amby lets me know that this is normal, and with a little more maturity, I will truly come to terms with my running, but for now the journey and adventure is normal and to be expected in a runners life.
I've read several "philosophical" running books, but this one is one of the better ones because he does not get too "natural" with why we run. I know that may have something to do with it, but I do not have that earthly connection (or at least not yet).
One of the chapters or lessons as he calls it is entitled "Starting Lines", and it was my favorite of the whole book. He breaks down the most beautiful place in life is a starting line. Now one would think he is talking about starting line of a race, but he really is talking about starting anything new in life and not being afraid to try it out and to go for life. Running is such a metaphor for so much in life and the starting line is one great way to bring it to life. I was certainly afraid when I stood on the starting line of having children, but that race has been the best starting point of my life, and I'm only four years and three children into the race!
"In running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents. The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions" - Glenn Cunningham
"The human body can do so much. Then the heart and spirit must take over." Sohn Kee-Chung (how true this is...during my first 100 mile attempt is was a failure of my mind and spirit that failed me at 62 miles)
I would recommend this book for so many reasons, but mostly because it says in so many beautiful words what I've thought or searched for during my many years of running. I'm so thankful for the gift of running and it is nice to connect with some who knows the reason I'm so thankful for the gift of running.
The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life: What 35 Years of Running Have Taught Me About Winning, Losing, Happiness, Humility, and the Human Heart (Daybreak Books) Overview
"As runners, we all go through many transitions-- transitions that closely mimic the larger changes we experience in a lifetime. First, we try to run faster. Then we try to run harder. Then we learn to accept ourselves and our limitations, and at last, we can appreciate the true joy and meaning of running."
As its opening pages reveal, The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life is not merely about running. It is about living-- to your fullest potential. Amby Burfoot, one of running's wisest voices, here presents 15 essential life lessons about passion, courage, materialism, failure, regeneration, and more, all learned from experience during more than 35 years of running. In this book, Amby discusses the essential traits of a runner-- traits that also are essential for all people wishing to reach their long-term goals. He discusses the writings, music, and quotes that have inspired him throughout his long career. Most important, he explains that winners are not those who cross the finish line first, but rather those who are able to discover more about themselves with every step.
The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life is one in a series of Daybreak books that provide life lessons and spiritual perspectives from the vantage point of different occupations and passions.
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