Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Fight for Your Life: Enhanced Reality-Based Close Combat Training for Self-Defense and Street Survival (Guided Chaos Combatives)

How to Fight for Your Life: Enhanced Reality-Based Close Combat Training for Self-Defense and Street Survival (Guided Chaos Combatives) Review

The AttackProof book from the Guided Chaos Combatives group is one of the best sources I've ever read about internal martial arts principles in true self-defense applications. Unfortunately, the book has one glaring fault. While experienced martial artists will recognize the value of the material in AttackProof, the average person who has no self-defense training will find that much of the information is so advanced that it would be difficult for them to use it in a real situation.

Enter "How to Fight For Your Life", a distillation of the AttackProof book for those who have little experience with martial arts and self defense training, but want to learn practical skills to keep themselves safe. This book accomplishes that goal with easy to read prose, good illustrations, and simple strategies and methods that are easily understandable. Perhaps most importantly, the concepts in this book can easily be absorbed by the average person without learning complex forms or studying for years in a traditional martial arts studio. Even those with some martial arts background will find useful points for their own training for a real self defense situation. Intermediate to advanced martial artists may want to go for the AttackProof book, but for everyone else, "How To Fight For Your Life" will be a useful reference. This book will be mandatory reading for my girls when they hit their teenage years.

How to Fight for Your Life: Enhanced Reality-Based Close Combat Training for Self-Defense and Street Survival (Guided Chaos Combatives) Overview

Guided Chaos is an advanced, esoteric and adaptive self-defense system invented by former forensic crime scene expert John Perkins in 1978. It is completely unique, stunningly effective and takes many years to master. However, not everyone has that kind of time...and violent criminals aren't going to wait. The average person needs street and battle-tested methods that can be learned and mastered quickly. That's where Guided Chaos COMBATIVES (GCC) comes in. GCC is the first part of Guided Chaos and is remarkably simple. It is a self-contained system comprised of basic World War II-era strikes and strategies that were designed to be taught to our troops in mere hours before shipping out for jungle warfare in the Pacific against the Japanese, who were all presumed to be karate and judo experts. John Perkins, who is a certified Grandmaster in Combat Martial Arts under the International Combat Martial Arts Federation, has modified and improved these techniques by imbuing them with some of the far more advanced motion principles of Guided Chaos, the most important of which being Dropping Energy, a way of delivering powerful strikes without winding up or chambering. It also improves dynamic balance, which is essential for survival when fighting for your life. GCC is extremely easy to learn and practice on your own and can be mastered in mere weeks with diligent practice. "How to Fight for Your Life" contains principles, photos, diagrams, checklists, strategies and training regimens found nowhere else and designed to quickly maximize your ability to survive criminal violence.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 20, 2010 01:18:06

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